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Zonge International


Data Processing Programs

A new series of data processing programs are available that run in the Windows environment. These programs provide for interactive editing and display of data files dumped directly from a GDP receiver. While modeling programs are provided with one hardware lock, each of the new data processing programs include two hardware locks so the program can be used by a field crew as well as a geophysicist in the office.

The legacy data processing programs are included with purchase of a GDP receiver. The new *AVGW programs are available for ordering.

New *AVGW Data Processing Programs

[AMT] CSAVGW  [Manual PDF:923k]
Csavgw is a CSAMT/NSAMT data averaging and quality-control utility program that reads controlled- or natural-source magnetotellurics data binary-format cac, ASCII raw or ASCII fld files, displays the data in pseudosection, sounding curve or data point graphs to allow skipping of outlier data, and then saves the data in Zonge-format zdb and avg files. {Zonge zdb and avg files have the same format, but use a different file-name extension to distinguish between unaveraged data (zdb files) and files with repeat data averaged (avg files).} Csavgw reads and writes survey configuration and processing control parameters from mde files.

[AMT] MTEDIT  [Manual PDF:235k]
MTEdit is a utility program for processing and reviewing magnetotelluric data collected by Zonge receivers. It calculates averaged impedance and apparent resistivity values from unaveraged spectral data. MTEdit includes options for both automated processing and interactive quality control editing.

MTEdit reads Fourier coefficients for each station from *.fft files created by MTFT, AMTFFT or FFTCOEF from GDP time-series files (these utility programs are included). MTEdit saves a copy of the edited spectral data for each station in a file with the extension *.mtv, so that any skip flags set during sessions of quality control editing are recovered when a data set is reread from a *.mtv file. MTEdit writes averaged apparent resistivity and impedance phase data to MT-format *.avg files. It saves several *.avg files for each station (where * represents a station number); *ga.avg holds generic robust averaged data, *ps.avg holds values for |Z| from Phase Slope data, *dp.avg holds Parker D+ data, while the data version selected by the processor is saved in *.avg.

[IP] CRAVGW  [Manual PDF:551k]
Cravgw is a frequency-domain IP data averaging and quality-control utility program that reads complex resistivity (CR) IP field data from Zonge GDP raw, fld, or zdb files. The program includes a Review Data option for interactive quality control while viewing the data in pseudosection or transient curve plots. Cravgw saves averaged data in an "avg" file. Unaveraged data are saved in a "zdb" ("Zonge data base") file, which cravgw can reread to revisit data skipping decisions. {Zonge zdb and avg files have the same format, but use a different file-name extension to distinguish between unaveraged repeat data and averaged data for which all duplicate readings have been merged.} Cravgw also includes an option to save averaged data in Geosoft IP format dat files. Cravgw reads and writes survey configuration and processing control files from mde files, making it easier to duplicate a specific processing sequence when processing multiple GDP CR data files.

[IP] HEMAVGW  [Manual PDF:429k]
Hemavgw is a frequency-domain data averaging and quality-control utility program that reads harmonic-frequency electromagnetic data (HEM) field data from Zonge GDP raw, fld, or zdb files. It averages generic EM data acquired with the GDP CR program for surveys that do not fit into one of the established IP survey configuration, such as vector or tensor IP surveys or MMR. The program includes a Review Data option for interactive quality control while viewing the data in pseudosections or point-by-point in real-versus-imaginary or phase-versus-frequency plots. Hemavgw saves the averaged data in an "avg" file. Unaveraged data are saved in a "zdb" ("Zonge data base") file, which Hemavgw can re-read to revisit data skipping decisions. {Zonge zdb and avg files have the same format, but use a different file-name extension to distinguish between unaveraged repeat data and averaged data for which all duplicate readings have been merged.} Hemavgw reads and writes survey configuration and processing control files from mde files, making it easier to duplicate a specific processing sequence when processing multiple GDP CR data files.

[IP] TDAVGW  [Manual PDF:369k]
Tdavgw is a time-domain IP data averaging and quality-control utility program that reads TDIP field data from Zonge GDP raw, fld, cac or zdb files. The program includes a Review Data option for interactive quality control while viewing the data in pseudosection or transient curve plots. Tdavgw saves averaged data in an "avg" file. Unaveraged data are saved in a "zdb" ("Zonge data base") file, which tdavgw can reread to revisit data skipping decisions. {Zonge zdb and avg files have the same format, but use a different file-name extension to distinguish between unaveraged repeat data and averaged data for which all duplicate readings have been merged.} Tdavgw also includes an option to save averaged data in Geosoft IP format dat files. Tdavgw reads and writes survey configuration and processing control files from mde files, making it easier to duplicate a specific processing sequence when processing multiple GDP TDIP data files.

[TEM] TEMAVGW  [Manual PDF:354k]
Temavgw is a TEM data averaging and quality-control utility program that reads field data from Zonge GDP raw, dnt, cac, or zbl files. The program includes a Review Data option for interactive quality control while viewing the data in pseudosection or transient curve plots. Temavgw saves averaged data in an "avg" file. Unaveraged data are saved in a "zdb" ("Zonge data base") file, which temavgw can read to revisit data skipping decisions. {Zonge zdb and avg files have the same format, but use a different file-name extension to distinguish between unaveraged repeat data and averaged data for which all duplicate readings have been merged.} Temavgw also includes an option to save averaged data in Australian AMIRA-format files, a format that is suitable for a broad range of TEM modeling software. Temavgw reads and writes survey configuration and processing control files from mde files, making it easier to duplicate a specific processing sequence when processing multiple GDP TEM data files.

Legacy Data Processing Programs

Most data processing programs are run in a DOS or COMMAND window in any version of the Windows operating system up to Windows7. Windows7 operation is available for the main programs, however many of the utility programs will require the use of the Microsoft "XP Mode" environment. Basic programs are provided with a purchase of a GDP system. Additional packages of programs are available.

Block-formatted data are reformatted (SHRED) and averaged, providing data formats used by modeling programs. The appropriate averaging program is determined by the GDP program that was used to acquire the data.

Time-series data processing programs are being developed as needed. Your questions are welcome.


Complex Resistivity programs

SHRED  [Manual PDF:121k]
RAW-file block-format data acquired by a GDP are transferred to a DOS/Windows computer for processing. The initial step is to reformat the data with the SHRED program, resulting in a spreadsheet-style FLD-file, sorted by measurement location.

CRAVG  [Manual PDF:97k]
FLD-files containing X-component E-field data are averaged with CRAVG, generating averaged data files in AVG-, S-, and Z-file formats, and plot files of individual data curves in HPGL format. Co-linear survey array data are appropriate, such as dipole-dipole.

CRRED  [Manual PDF:101k]
S-file averaged data are multi-dimensional. The CRRED program writes a choice of P-file data with a selection of data components, or plots of data curves per station, or data summary listings.

LPLOT  [Manual PDF:92k]
P-file data are used to generate line-printer formatted pseudosections. Not commonly used.

PPLOT  [Manual PDF:81k]
P-file data may contain spectral data curves. PPLOT creates "spectral pseudosections", drawing a data curve at each pseudosection plot point.

HEMAVG  [Manual PDF:112k]
FLD-files containing multiple-component data are averaged with HEMAVG, generating averaged data files in AVG-, DAT-, and Z-file formats, and plot files of individual data curves in HPGL format.

TIP  [Manual PDF:117k]
The TIP program processes sets of two-component (Ex,Ey) data generated by one to four transmitter-antenna orientations and produces tensor and vector apparent resistivity and IP phase. AVG-files produced by HEMAVG provide input data.


Resistivity / Phase programs

SHRED  [Manual PDF:121k]
RAW-file block-format data acquired by a GDP are transferred to a DOS/Windows computer for processing. The initial step is to reformat the data with the SHRED program, resulting in a spreadsheet-style FLD-file, sorted by measurement location.

RPAVG  [Manual PDF:110k]
FLD-files containing single-frequency X-component E-field data are averaged with RPAVG, generating averaged data files in AVG-, S-, and Z-file formats. Co-linear survey array data are appropriate, such as dipole-dipole.

CRRED  [Manual PDF:101k]
S-file averaged data are multi-dimensional. The CRRED program writes a choice of P-file data with a selection of data components, or plots of data curves per station, or data summary listings.

LPLOT  [Manual PDF:92k]
P-file data are used to generate line-printer formatted pseudosections. Not commonly used.

PPLOT  [Manual PDF:81k]
P-file data may contain spectral data curves. PPLOT creates "spectral pseudosections", drawing a data curve at each pseudosection plot point.


Time Domain IP programs

SHRED  [Manual PDF:121k]
RAW-file block-format data acquired by a GDP are transferred to a DOS/Windows computer for processing. The initial step is to reformat the data with the SHRED program, resulting in a spreadsheet-style FLD-file, sorted by measurement location.

TDAVG  [Manual PDF:117k]
FLD-files containing time-domain data are averaged with TDAVG, generating averaged data files in AVG- and Z-file formats. Co-linear survey array data are appropriate, such as dipole-dipole.


Controlled-Source Audio-Magnetotelluric programs

SHRED  [Manual PDF:121k]
RAW-file block-format data acquired by a GDP are transferred to a DOS/Windows computer for processing. The initial step is to reformat the data with the SHRED program, resulting in a spreadsheet-style FLD-file, sorted by measurement location.

AMTAVG  [Manual PDF:158k]
FLD-files containing CSAMT data are averaged with AMTAVG, generating averaged data files in AVG- and Z-file formats, and plot files of individual data curves in HPGL format. Data from single-frequency and harmonic acquisition GDP programs are handled, with a variety of electric and magnetic components.

AMTPLT  [Manual PDF:141k]
The utility program AMTPLT generates plots of frequency-domain data, using a logarithmic frequency axis and a linear or logarithmic axis for magnitude or phase values. Initially designed for CSAMT data, data may be plotted from any of the frequency-domain averaging programs.

HSMOOTH  [Manual PDF:21k]
The utility program HSMOOTH interpolates magnetic field magnitudes between setup centers in a CSAMT survey. The program reads a Zonge .AVG-file and replaces it with a modified .AVG-file holding the interpolated values. The original file is saved with an .AV$ extension.

AMTRED  [Manual PDF:142k]
AMTRED handles averaged CSAMT, CSHAMT, and NSAMT data files, containing data for a number of frequencies at a sequence of stations. The data may be written to data files in several formats. Various options are provided for filtering, conversion, and basic analysis.

ASTATIC  [Manual PDF:714k]
ASTATIC is a utility program for reviewing CSAMT and/or NSAMT data stored in Csavgw, Amtavg or Nsavg *.avg files. In addition to its original use for automatically calculating static corrections, Astatic has a data review option which allows manual static corrections or setting and clearing of skip flags on individual data points.

TENSORCS  [Manual PDF:219k]
TensorCS is a utility program for processing combined scalar, vector and/or tensor CSAMT data. TensorCS replaces VectorCS, since it can do both vector and tensor processing, and it replaces AMT2CR, since it estimates scalar and vector IP phase from low-frequency CSAMT electric-field data.


Natural-Source Audio-Magnetotelluric programs

SHRED  [Manual PDF:121k]
RAW-file block-format data acquired by a GDP are transferred to a DOS/Windows computer for processing. The initial step is to reformat the data with the SHRED program, resulting in a spreadsheet-style FLD-file, sorted by measurement location.

NSAVG  [Manual PDF:183k]
FLD-files containing natural-source data are averaged with NSAVG, generating averaged data files in AVG- and Z-file formats, and plot files of individual data curves in HPGL format. CSAMT utility programs may be used with the output data files.


Time Domain EM programs

SHRED  [Manual PDF:121k]
RAW-file block-format data acquired by a GDP are transferred to a DOS/Windows computer for processing. The initial step is to reformat the data with the SHRED program, resulting in a spreadsheet-style FLD-file, sorted by measurement location. TEMAVG

TEMAVG  [Manual PDF:126k]
FLD-files containing time-domain EM (TEM) data are averaged with TEMAVG, generating averaged data files in AVG- and Z-file formats, and plot files of individual soundings in HPGL format.

Streaming IP

Streaming IP processing

A variety of data may be acquired with a number of different sensors, using a variety of array configurations, each requiring at least some custom processing. For example, Zonge has used a configuation with an array of electrodes in a cable towed behind a boat, with GDP measurements recorded of time, magnitude and phase. A separate data file is recorded with GPS and depth sensor measurements. The data processing procedure determines coordinates of each electrode for each GDP record, and writes a data file containing distance-along-track, resistivity, and depth values. Output data files are suitable for use by modeling programs.

Link to Applications | Environmental | Marine papers.


Laboratory data processing

Data measured by a GDP are processed in a manner similar to field data. CR measurements are commonly acquired, so the CR processing programs are used.

SHRED  [Manual PDF:121k]
RAW-file block-format data acquired by a GDP are transferred to a DOS/Windows computer for processing. The initial step is to reformat the data with the SHRED program, resulting in a spreadsheet-style FLD-file, sorted by measurement location.

CRAVG  [Manual PDF:97k]
FLD-files containing X-component E-field data are averaged with CRAVG, generating averaged data files in AVG-, S-, and Z-file formats, and plot files of individual data curves in HPGL format. Electrical laboratory measurements of samples are made with the GDP CR, RPIP or TDIP acquisition programs. CRAVG, RPAVG and TDAVG averaging programs provide data files of laboratory measurements.

LABRED  [Manual PDF:96k]
Data collected during measurements of rock samples in the laboratory are averaged by the CRAVG or RPAVG program, and LABRED provides data listings and plots of Real vs Imaginary and Magnitude and Phase vs Frequency in HPGL format.


Utility programs


Zonge International

Zonge International
3322 E Fort Lowell Rd
Tucson, ARIZONA 85716
Ph 520 327 5501
Fx 520 325 1588